Excellent Quality Grade ‘A’ Driving Lessons in Biggar, Lanark and Surrounding Areas.

If you are not sure if we cover your area, just get in touch!

© 2006 - 2025 Graham May School of Motoring


All tuition given to pupils (referred to as ‘You’)  by Graham May School of Motoring (referred to as ‘We’ or ‘Us’) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. Please read these and familiarise yourself with them.  You must sign and agree to adhere to the Terms and Conditions otherwise further tuition cannot be given.

LICENCE REQUIREMENT - You must hold a valid provisional, full or international driving licence, and you must not be disqualified from driving as a result of any points/ endorsements/ bans. You agree to tell us of any points/ endorsements/ bans that apply to your licence on commencement of lessons. You must produce your photocard licence for inspection on or before your first lesson. Please note photocard licences are only valid for 10 years from the date of issue and it is your responsibility to keep this updated. You agree to immediately declare any points/ endorsements/ bans accrued after lessons commence.

PUPIL CANCELLATION – We require 48 hours’ notice of cancellation. 50% of the booked lesson cost will be payable where cancellation occurs with less than 48 hours’ notice without exception.

FITNESS TO DRIVE - You must be fit to drive with regard to legal, eyesight and medical requirements. You MUST inform us of any special needs or medical conditions you have that might affect your ability to drive. As well as the legal restrictions in relation to alcohol and drug misuse, tiredness, emotional states and prescription medications can all affect your ability to be a safe driver. The lesson will be immediately cancelled if it is suspected that you may be unfit due to the effects of alcohol, drugs (prescribed or otherwise) or any other condition that would cause your driving to be dangerous or illegal. In such circumstances the booked lesson cost will be payable in full.

EYESIGHT – An eyesight test will be carried out on your first lesson to ensure you can read a number plate from a distance of 20 metres. If you require glasses or contact lenses to satisfy this test, it is your responsibility to bring them to your lessons. If you do not, the lesson cannot go ahead but the booked lesson cost will still be payable.

- Block bookings must be paid in advance, used within 12 months, and are non-refundable. The £21 loyalty bonus 1 hour lesson is only available once recommended pupil has paid for a minimum of 5 hours of tuition.

PRICES – All prices are correct at time of printing, but are subject to change in the future. Should prices change, two weeks written notice will be given. Of course, all prior block bookings paid would be honoured until exhausted without additional cost to you.

LOSS OF LOGBOOK – If you lose your logbook you MUST purchase a new logbook at a cost of £10.

AUDIO/VIDEO/PHOTGRAPHIC RECORDING – Please be aware that the tuition vehicle is fitted with audio and video recording equipment for insurance and educational purposes. You hereby consent to being recorded, photographed, videotaped, filmed or otherwise imaged during lessons/tests and consent to this recorded footage being used by us for insurance and/or educational purposes, or published in any promotional materials (eg brochures, Facebook, www.graham-may.com etc) at any future time.

LESSON DURATION - The minimum duration of any lesson is one hour. We will choose the location of the lesson to ensure both pupil and public safety. We may therefore have to drive to and from lesson locations in early lessons and this journey time forms part of the paid lesson.

TRAINING VEHICLE – The training vehicle supplied will be fully taxed, insured for the purposes of driving tuition and the driving test, fully roadworthy and fitted with dual controls. If you require tuition in your own vehicle you must provide written evidence that the vehicle is insured for your use. We reserve the right to refuse to give tuition in your own vehicle.

PRACTICAL TEST - We reserve the right to withdraw the school vehicle from tests should we consider you are not at the required test standard (this will be discussed with you well before any test allowing ample time to cancel and rebook the test with no loss of fee). The practical test requires a minimum 2 hour lesson (one hour lesson prior to test, hire of tuition vehicle for one hour approximate duration of test). We reserve the right to insist on accompanying you on test if we feel this is necessary. Refusal on your part to allow us to accompany you on test will constitute grounds for withdrawal of the school vehicle from test.

TEST TERMINATION – If your driving test is terminated for any reason whatsoever then all previous permission given to you to drive the school car CEASES IMMEDIATELY. You expressly agree to remove the keys from the ignition, exit the vehicle, lock it and accompany the examiner back to the test centre where the keys will be handed back to Graham May directly. Please be aware that to drive the vehicle without supervision upon termination of a test would be against the terms of your provisional licence, against the terms of our insurance and totally without the permission of Graham May. It would constitute a number of criminal acts (theft of a motor vehicle, driving without a licence, and driving without insurance) and should you do this, you will be reported to the police immediately for these offences.

– we cannot be held responsible for postponement of lessons due to illness, weather or mechanical breakdown. A mutually convenient lesson time will be agreed. We can never be held responsible for driving tests cancelled by the DVSA. Furthermore we are not responsible for any failure of light bulbs etc during the Practical test and will not be liable for any consequential loss.

LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY - Please be aware that our primary objective is to promote road safety, and in doing so, you must be prepared to carry out instructions without undue argument. We will make every effort to train you to the highest standard, but can in no way be held liable for any errors you commit whilst driving and not accompanied by us either before, during or after a test pass. During an official driving test the client is in charge of the vehicle and is liable for any fines or charges levied as a result of any motoring offence committed.

Terms and Conditions Contact Graham May School of Motoring today! Tel : 01899-850258  Mob : 07963 - 331418  or e-mail us!