Excellent Quality Grade ‘A’ Driving Lessons in Biggar, Lanark and Surrounding Areas.

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© 2006 - 2025 Graham May School of Motoring


The examiner will direct you where to go for most of the test, but for a period of around 20 minutes you will have to drive ‘independently’ - either following destination signs to a specific place or following the examiner’s Sat Nav. This allows you to show that you can drive, on your own, completely unprompted and unaided, just like you will have to do once you pass. Further details about the Independent Driving element of the test can be found here.

The test also includes two Show Me/Tell Me questions (further details here), designed to ensure that you know how to check the safety of your vehicle, and one of the four set reversing manoeuvres (Parking on the Right and Reversing, Parallel Parking, Reversing into a Bay or Driving into a Bay and Reversing Out) selected at random by the examiner. One out of every three candidates is also asked to perform an Emergency Stop.

Your instructor is allowed to sit in the back of the car during your driving test and / or can listen to the examiner’s 'debrief' of your performance at the end of the test. If things haven’t gone to plan, this means your instructor will be better able to understand what any faults were and to help you remedy the problem so you pass the next time!

Watch the following video for information about the pros and cons of  taking your instructor with you on your test.

Practical Test

If you have passed the Practical Test, and have a photocard provisional licence and your personal details have not changed, you can hand it over to the examiner, and a full licence will be issued to you automatically. The examiner will also give you information about enhancing your driving further through the Passplus scheme for new drivers (further details here). Motorway lessons may be a good idea should you decide not to take the full Passplus course.

Be Prepared!

The current national average practical pass rate is only 48%, so it makes sense to be as prepared as possible. The top ten reasons why people fail can be found here. We will advise you when you should apply for the test, and fully prepare you for it by carrying out mock tests based on the criteria set by the DVSA, the government body responsible for carrying out the driving tests. We will not present you for the test unless you are ready. This is the best way to ensure test success, and happy pupils!

Official DVSA resources in relation to the Practical Test can be found here, and the possible Test Routes for Lanark can be found here. Don’t forget to check out our section on Test Nerves for advice on beating those butterflies!

The Practical Test currently costs £62, and will test your ability to drive safely and effectively on a variety of road types, and normally lasts about 40 minutes.  You will have to complete the test with no serious faults, and you must have 15 or fewer driving faults. There are no pass 'quotas' - if you display the required standard, you will pass! It is normal to feel nervous on the day of your test, but try not to let the nerves spoil your performance (read more about dealing with test nerves here).

Contact Graham May School of Motoring today! Tel : 01899-850258  Mob : 07963 - 331418  or e-mail us!