Excellent Quality Grade ‘A’ Driving Lessons in Biggar, Lanark and Surrounding Areas.

If you are not sure if we cover your area, just get in touch!

© 2006 - 2025 Graham May School of Motoring


Did you know that road crashes are the biggest cause of death and disability amongst young people - more than drugs, alcohol, assault or illness? Or that 1 in 5 new drivers has a serious accident within 6 months of passing their driving test? And that 12% of road deaths and injuries involve a 17 to 19 year old driver, although they only make up 1.5% of all drivers?

My objective is to help make sure you do not become one of these statistics. You will learn to become a safe, knowledgeable and confident driver, enabling you to pass the Theory and Practical Driving Tests on the way.

But being a great driver isn’t just about passing a test – it’s about an attitude. It’s about a lifelong commitment to TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for the safety of yourself, your car, your passengers and anyone else on the road around you. This responsible attitude isn’t just for during your driving lessons, or during your driving test, or for a few weeks after, but forever. A great driver drives well all the time, whether running late, or with friends in the car, or in bad weather, or when having a bad day. A good driver manages the risks of driving by taking proactive steps to ALWAYS BE SAFE. Are you ready for this massive responsibility? If not, come back when you are!

Contact Graham May School of Motoring today! Tel : 01899-850258  Mob : 07963 - 331418  or e-mail us!

“The Learn to Drive AND Survive course is designed to make you a great driver, be able to self-analyse and self-correct your driving, learn quicker, and to SAVE YOU MONEY as a result. But much more importantly, the course will set you up for the challenges of driving solo after the test.”

On your first lesson, you will be given your ‘Learn to Drive AND Survive Logbook’ and Faster Pass Resources. You should bring it to lessons but also use it as much as possible at home between lessons. It has resources and quizzes to help you recap on your skills, reflective logs to record your thoughts and feelings, advice on private practice, theory study tips – the list goes on. And as with anything in life – the more effort you put in, the more you will get back!