Excellent Quality Grade ‘A’ Driving Lessons in Biggar, Lanark and Surrounding Areas.

If you are not sure if we cover your area, just get in touch!

© 2006 - 2025 Graham May School of Motoring


Graham May is a fully qualified Grade ‘A’ Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency Approved Driving Instructor (DVSA ADI), and has been teaching people of all ages and backgrounds to drive since 2006. He has achieved an enviable reputation based on his patience, reliability and consistently high pass rate.

Graham May’s pass rate is well above the average for the test centre which he covers, with around 80% of learners passing first time (and the vast majority of the rest passing at their second attempt). Whilst there are no guarantees, if you work hard you will have an excellent chance of getting your full licence FIRST TIME with Graham May. Graham May can however make you one guarantee - he will work hard every lesson to give you the tools to be a safe driver in as short a time as is safely possible, and therefore reach the standard required by the DVSA test as soon as you can.

Graham May (Grade ‘A’ DVSA ADI)

“With Graham May School of Motoring you can

therefore be confident that you will be receiving the highest

quality driving instruction available, based on the instructional techniques and

methods favoured by the very people who will test you -

the Driving and Vehicles Standards Agency.”

Our Prices

Graham is subject to rigorous continual DVSA assessment on an ongoing basis (commonly known as a check test). At his last assessment, in April 2016, Graham was awarded a Grade A for his instructional ability, the highest grade possible. This means an exceptionally experienced and qualified DVSA Senior Examiner has determined that Graham’s overall instructional ability is to a very high standard with no significant instructional weaknesses. Only around 1 in 4 of the 42,000 driving instructors in the UK currently hold this extremely sought after grade! The majority of driving instructors are assessed only to be of Grade B level (sufficiently competent, but with weaknesses).

Graham is fully committed to his own continuing professional development, recently completing the Professional Qualification in Coaching for Driver Education (BTEC Level 4). Graham’s aim in completing this year long university level course is to ensure all current and future pupils continue to receive the highest quality tuition available in line with the most up to date academic thinking on learning to drive. Graham is also an active member of  the Lanark District Driving Instructors Association (www.lddia.co.uk), and is also a member of the Motor Schools Association (MSA). Involvement with these bodies enables him to keep up to date with all new developments and techniques in both local and national driving instructing. Graham has been fully vetted by Disclosure Scotland (what does this mean?).

All Graham’s lessons begin and end wherever is convenient for you, and are available on a 90 minute, two hourly or more intensive basis if desired. Weekday daytime and evening slots are available. All driving lessons are conducted in an extremely friendly and relaxed manner, and closely follow a carefully crafted course structure based on the Driving Standard Agency approved driving syllabus for learner drivers. Full support is given in respect of the Theory and Hazard Perception Test, and with Graham’s expert guidance and support, you will develop quickly into a confident, safe, and considerate driver, capable of not only passing the Practical Driving Test but coping with the demands of day to day driving and traffic conditions. Motorway, refresher lessons and the Pass Plus course are available (and highly recommended) to advance your driving skills further after passing the driving test.

Graham lives at the very foot of Tinto Hill and covers Biggar, Lanark and all surrounding areas. He is husband to the beautiful, amazing Michelle, and father to the equally amazing Alexander (18), cool Cameron (15) and fabulous Fraser (10).

Contact Graham May School of Motoring today! Tel : 01899-850258  Mob : 07963 - 331418  or e-mail us!