Excellent Quality Grade ‘A’ Driving Lessons in Biggar, Lanark and Surrounding Areas.

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© 2006 - 2025 Graham May School of Motoring


You are definitely not alone if you feel nervous before your Theory or Practical Driving Test - this is completely normal and most learners experience the same feelings. Your nerves will probably stem from the basic fear that you will fail. Failing anything isn’t ever a pleasant experience, and you may worry that if you fail you will have ‘let everyone down’. You certainly won’t be relishing the prospect of having to tell your friends and family that you have failed.

But it’s a vicious circle. The simple truth is that fear of failure, leads to failure. And let’s get it into perspective. The main consequence of failing either your Theory or your Practical test is simply financial - you can study more / take more lessons and pass it the next time. Unlike exams or job interviews, you can resit the tests as many times as required. Yes, it will be disappointing to fail, but your world will not come crashing to a halt!

“At Graham May School of Motoring, we will always give you an honest

opinion as to your test-readiness. We would never advise you to

apply for your tests unless you were fully capable of passing. Through

thorough preparation and mock tests, we will teach you to believe in

yourself and reach your goal of test success in as

short a time as safely possible.”

If your nerves are particularly severe, there are a number of products available on the market designed to help. Herbal remedies such as Kalms or Bach’s Rescue Remedy or self-confidence boosting CDs and DVDs, such as Test Angel (click here), may help.

Here are some tips to ensure you give your best on Test Day :

Contact Graham May School of Motoring today! Tel : 01899-850258  Mob : 07963 - 331418  or e-mail us!