Excellent Quality Grade ‘A’ Driving Lessons in Biggar, Lanark and Surrounding Areas.

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© 2006 - 2025 Graham May School of Motoring


When the time is right, private practice can build your confidence, increase your experience and save you money! As we all know, practice makes perfect. Please note research has consistently shown that private practice works best in addition to professional instruction from an approved driving instructor, rather than on its own.  This section contains general advice as to when to begin private practice, and advice for the qualified supervising driver. Login to our online learning tools to watch videos and tutorials on private practice, and parental advice on being a supervising driver.


Legal Requirements
– you must hold a valid provisional driving licence before driving on the road, and be accompanied by someone over the age of 21 who has held a full, valid driving licence for at least 3 years. The car being driven must display ‘L’ plates at the front and rear, and be insured for the provisional driver’s use. The supervising driver’s insurance company may offer insurance for you at an extra charge, or independent provisional driver insurance can be taken out. Visit our Useful Links page for provisional insurance suggestions.

When, where and what? – Too early in your lessons, and private practice can become counter-productive or even dangerous. The best private practice will ‘mimic’ what you have been learning in your driving lessons, for example moving away and parking, turning the car around in the road, or later approaching junctions. Plan with your supervising driver where you are going to go, and what you are going to do when you get there. This way, you will enhance your previous learning and avoid being put in a situation you are unable to deal with effectively, which could dent your confidence or lead you to develop incorrect driving methods and habits. Until you have good hand/feet co-ordination, a deserted car park or industrial estate will be a good area to use. As your lessons progress, and you become proficient at controlling the car, quiet roads (avoid busy times and junctions) should be used until your skills develop. Good private practice requires thought on your part, as well as your supervising driver’s part – a random drive is never a good idea in the early stages of learning to drive!

Hints for Supervising Drivers

– use the learner’s Logbook to discuss what they have been doing in their lessons,

and plan any route and practice to develop these skills without putting them in situations

they are not yet equipped to deal with.
Do – stay alert, look well ahead up the road and be ready to take full verbal or even physical control of the car. Never forget that the learner may be unable to deal with any given situation as quickly or effectively as you, and you are there to ensure safety at all times.
Do – give praise for good driving, and constructive, measured feedback on things that could be improved. Don’t ignore faults, but stay positive and calm with your criticism.
Do – discuss issues arising whilst stopped at the side of the road, as discussions whilst the learner is driving are rarely effective – the learner can’t take it in on the move!
Do – take this opportunity to evaluate your own driving attitudes and skills. Update your knowledge via our extensive web-based learning tutorials and the Highway Code. Lead by example, and always display a patient, courteous and

safe attitude to all other road users.

Don’t – teach the learner to drive in a manner contrary to the teaching of the driving instructor. It may be the learner has picked something up wrongly, or that prescribed methods of driving have changed since you were taught to drive (for example, you no longer need to come down through the gears when stopping, it is completely acceptable to sit in first gear at traffic lights and the clutch should be fully up when cornering unless in first gear). Discuss any such issues with the learner’s instructor to resolve them.

Don’t - forget to update the learner’s Logbook with details of the practice session!!

“If you are a supervising driver, save money in the long run by booking a

one or two hour session with Graham May to ensure that your supervising

is of the most benefit to your learner.”

Contact Graham May School of Motoring today! Tel : 01899-850258  Mob : 07963 - 331418  or e-mail us!